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Lyon, L.
Digital Libraries and e-Research: new horizons, new challenges?
8th International Bielefeld Conference, Bielefeld, Germany, February 2006
Presentation: [Powerpoint]
KOS issue forthcoming in NRHM 2006 - The New Review of
Hypermedia and Multimedia 2006 (1). Special Issue Call for Papers on: Knowledge
Organization Systems and Services.
Guest Editors: Douglas Tudhope, University of Glamorgan, UK (dstudhope@glam.ac.uk),
Marianne Lykke Nielsen, Royal School of Library and Information Science, Denmark
NKOS Workshop led by Doug Tudhope has been accepted for ECDL 2006.
KESI cluster Ontology-driven Semantic Interoperablility work was also promoted in the US in December 2005 by Dolores Iorizzo, Imperial College:
1) Cornell University: Presentation of results to Computer Science Group working in Digital Libraries and discussion held with Carl Lagoze to look at a way of integrating our work with the National Science Digital Library and FEDORA.The meeting was very successful and Carl and Dolores did a joint presentation about future work funded by NSF-DELOS in Washington DC.
2) OCLC:Presentation of results and CIDOC CRM-FRBR harmonisation to members of OCLC (includingLorcan Dempsey, Ed O'Neill and Stu Weibel). There was general agreement to do an analysis of the FRBR+CRM, and also take-up of CRM CORE as a possible enriched Dublin Core (i.e. testing of TEL, CRM CORE and DC to determine best results).
3) NSF: Presentation of results to NSF Directorates (hosted by Steve Griffin and Lee Zia) on WP5 and our vision for the future. Positive outcomes included an invitation to discuss international cooperation between NSF-DELOS on global Cyberinfrastructure, and possible international conference event in summer 2006.
Lyon, L.
Adding value to open access research data: reflections on the process of data
curation. Third European Conference on Research Infrastructures, Nottingham,
UK, 6-7 December 2005.
Presentation: [Powerpoint]
Martin Doerr
Waking from a Dogmatic Slumber - A Different View on Knowledge Management
for DLs
DELOS NoE Brainstorming Meeting, Juan-les-Pins, France, December 5-6, 2005
Presentation: [Powerpoint] [HTML]
Liz Lyon
Digital Libraries and e-Research: a UK perspective on a changing landscape.
e-Science Forum Wissensvernetzung,
Berlin, Germany, 25 October 2005.
Presentation: [Powerpoint]
Lyon, L.
Adding value to open access research data: the eBank UK Project.
CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly
Communication (OAI4), Geneva, Switzerland, 22 October 2005.
Presentation: [Powerpoint]
Liz Lyon
Developing e-Infrastructure to support new research and learning paradigms.
Building the Info Grid. Digital Library
Technologies and Services - Trends and Perspectives. DEFF conference, Copenhagen,
26-27 September 2005
Presentation: [Powerpoint]
Sølvberg, I., Larsen, R., and Mitra, S. Digital Libraries
and e-Learnin.g
Panel discussion InfoVision 2005, Bangalore, 15-16 September, 2005
D. Tudhope
Applications of NKOS: some examples and questions
NKOS Special Session at Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Conference (DC 2005),
Madrid, September, 2005.
Liz Lyon
Data, information and knowledge repositories: developing infrastructure
to support the e-Research landscape
euroCRIS Strategic Seminar, Brussels, September 2005
Presentation: [Powerpoint]
Traugott Koch
The e-Science project eBank UK.
NetLab Society Seminar, Lund, Sweden, 1 September 2005
Presentation: [Powerpoint]
Lyon, L.
Data, information and knowledge repositories: developing infrastructure to support
the e-Research landscape.
euroCRIS Strategic Seminar, Brussels, September 2005
Presentation: [Powerpoint]
Tudhope, D.
Applications of NKOS: some examples and questions
NKOS Special Session at Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Conference (DC 2005),
Madrid, September, 2005.
D. Tudhope
The FACET project and implications for the Semantic Web
7th NKOS workshop on Next Generation Knowledge Organization Systems: Integration
Challenges and Strategies, Denver, June, 2005
Liz Lyon
From research data to new knowledge: a lifecycle approach.
Making the strategic case for institutional repositories. CNI-JISC-SURF Conference,
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam, 10-11 May 2005.
Presentation: [Powerpoint]
Lund, H., Larsen, B., Voel Jensen, R.E., Ardö, A., Golub, K. and Ingwersen,
Capturing Contexts for Web Filtering in the Humanities [PDF]
Second Workshop on Information Retrieval in Context (IRiX), SIGIR 2005.
Tudhope, D.
The FACET project and implications for the Semantic Web
7th NKOS workshop on Next Generation Knowledge Organization Systems: Integration
Challenges and Strategies, Denver, June, 2005
Tentori, A.
Concerted Information Management in a Virtual Library [PDF]
Master's Thesis, Department of Information Technology, Lund University, March
7, 2005.
Tsinaraki, C., Polydoros, P., Christodoulakis, S.:
GraphOnto: A Component and a User Interface for the Definition and Use
of Ontologies in Multimedia Information Systems.
In Proc. of AvivDiLib 2005, pp. 99-102.
Tudhope D., Binding C.
Towards Terminology Services: experiences with a pilot web service thesaurus
Proceedings of the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata
Applications, (DC 2005), 269-273.
The Task 5.5 work was presented in the DELOS poster session hold in conjunction with ECDL 2005.
Manjula Patel, Traugott Koch, Martin Doerr, Chrisa TsinarakiSemantic Interoperability
in Digital Library Systems
Task 3: Semantic Interoperability
DELOS WP5 Workshop: Semantic Interoperability in DL systems
17th September 2004, Bath, UK
Presentation: Powerpoint | HTML
Doug Tudhope
Recent NKOS developments (Networked Knowledge Organisation Systems/Services)
DELOS Workshop, Bath, September 2004
Presentation: Powerpoint |
Doug Tudhope
Semantic Terminology Services: experiences from the FACET Project
DELOS Workshop: Between Knowledge Organization and Semantic Web: Semantic Approaches
in Digital Libraries, Lund, Sweden, June 2004
Doug Tudhope
Overview of Technological Solutions to Terminology Services
JISC Terminology Workshop, London, February 2004
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