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Cluster partners

A number of organisations and institutions are currently involved in this Work Package:

Associate members


Photo (31KB): Colleagues from WP5 who attended the cluster meeting held in Bath on the 17 September 2004: Back row, left to right: Traugott Koch (Lund University), Les Carr (University of Southampton); Middle row, left to right: Jane Hunter (University of Queensland), Michael Day (UKOLN), David Alsmeyer (BT), Doug Tudhope (University of Glamorgan), Martin Doerr (ICS-FORTH); Front row, left to right: Manjula Patel (UKOLN), Liz Lyon (UKOLN), Koraljka Golub (Lund University).

Colleagues from WP5 who attended the cluster meeting held in Bath on the 17 September 2004: Back row, left to right: Traugott Koch (Lund University), Les Carr (University of Southampton); Middle row, left to right: Jane Hunter (University of Queensland), Michael Day (UKOLN), David Alsmeyer (BT), Doug Tudhope (University of Glamorgan), Martin Doerr (ICS-FORTH); Front row, left to right: Manjula Patel (UKOLN), Liz Lyon (UKOLN), Koraljka Golub (Lund University).

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